Spring has arrived in Brazil and with it, a new retreat with Swaha. Friends from all over the world have gathered at the Master’s feet. In the weeks before the retreat, preparations were made – both inner and outer.
Satsang Weekends
In October, two beautiful Satsang Weekends took place at Mevlana Garden, where many people experienced the retreats and Swaha for the first time. Many sannyasins had the opportunity to meet the Master again after long months of the season of retreats in Norway. In addition, Swaha blessed us with surprise Satsangs and Sittings over the past few weeks!

In the lead up to the Inner Revolution retreat, friends have come together, helping to make Mevlana Garden ready to receive us.

Repairing, painting, gardening and lots of organizing – all to make this place even more shining and beautiful.

Kids Retreat
In the middle of all this, the kids from the sangha had a Rainbow Journey experience: a one day retreat, just for them! The grown-ups got to share with the little ones a taste of what happens in the retreats. There were lots of colors, painting, dancing and playful activities.

Letter to Swaha
A friend shared;
“At some point, in your presence, with my eyes closed, I got lost. There was nothing, neither me nor any body, neither the temple nor your body. Only your voice, like the sound of the birds. The sound of the sea, wild and far away. The wind and the rustle of the leaves, it was like the universe, not being in it, not seeing it, I was.
I don’t even know if I was. There was only nothing. This emptiness. This infinite space. You would say the words, and they were like bells ringing. Enchantment. And I understood. I listened. But I was not there. I was not me.“

In response, Swaha shared:
Only when you go, will the real be there. This is how you should feel with a Master – in awe. Something opens up in your divine being, so that you disappear. You just want to bow down, to surrender to bliss. This awe is what people have lost. This innocence, this clarity of being nobody, but totally there. You have to find your way back to that awe of being alive. To the miracle of life. That is what the Master wants to ignite in you.
May everybody have that courage to disappear to the old. It cannot be done, but it happens in love, in surrender, effortlessly. It’s a ripeness, a longing of the very soul to come home.“