The Inner Alchemy

Two participants in the Summer Retreat share about their experience,
taking part in the Retreat program:

A magical feeling of freedom

The Inner Alchemy process of this retreat was a huge help to me. But honestly there isn’t one process, of the various retreats I’ve attended, that has not been. Often, however, my processes do not begin and end with the retreat themselves.

Especially this year I feel that there is continuity in the various retreats. The peace and silence of the heart achieved during the winter retreat led me to perceive a great space around it with the Blissful Spring Retreat and now with the Inner Alchemy I feel a magical feeling of freedom.

I couldn’t ask for anything more, but a new retreat is already upon us… and while I don’t expect anything I want to be totally open to the new.

An inner process

“Inner Alchemy” has such a beautiful meaning to me. An inner process. The first week there was a lot bubbling up, many energies moving around in the body, so it was hard to sleep, I was so full of life. I love to dance, to become alive – I really feel that then the chemistry inside began, the inner alchemy.
It was a big transition from the first to the second week. At the same time, I don’t know if I would have been more prepared by a more gradual transition. I haven’t participated in a silent week before. I was afraid of it, I knew there could be much more space for thoughts, and not being able to keep them away by talking or listening to others talk. I find the silence has been difficult, sometimes I have felt “stuck in the mud” as Baba says. I am so used to talking when something is going on inside. But now, coming out, I feel I still want to be in it. I have noticed that there is so much I miss when I’m not in silence.

There is a way that the buddhas are talking about – that is awareness, watchfulness. First, recognize your helplessness, your vulnerability, your sensitivity, your anger, and then go in, watch the energy what it does to you. Are you a slave to it? You don’t need to be. It’s an energy. And you can transform that. That’s the alchemy that the enlightened ones are trying to convey to you. It’s an inner alchemy. By being present, watching it. How long can that anger be there? It will definitely change. But you are just a slave to any emotion, any feeling, any thought that comes into you. So, learn, train yourself to become your own master.

Vasant Swaha