Beloved Swaha,
Thank you for helping me open my heart to the love that is always there.
A few Satsangs ago, I felt a wave of deep relief and peace. It was like the universe itself leaned into my being and whispered, “Everything is okay. All is at peace.”
I realized at that moment all the baggage I had been carrying – my fear of letting go, self images, pain, and the past… it was so strong for me to see these things in clarity. I felt a sadness to see that I was holding on to these things inside. But at the same time, I felt an amazing release. Because I saw that even though I carry these things, they don’t have to be part of me. I can let go into my real self, which is pure peace.
This glimpse at true freedom was one of the most beautiful moments of my life.
You are opening my eyes Baba, and what I see is totally new and beyond words. I have so much gratitude, and longing to be closer, go deeper, and take care of this gift.
I would like to receive Sannyas, Beloved.
Thank you for everything.
I love you,