Zen – Inner Balance

August 15 – 24, 2024

“Meditation is the path that leads back to silence, beyond any words. Still, all the Gurus, all the Masters, go on talking. Why do they talk? Because you only understand language. But by coming closer to yourself, closer to your inner silence, you will start understanding that which is beyond words – the eternal silence that is always there.”

Vasant Swaha

This retreat is only open for those who have participated in retreats with Swaha before.

Price for the entire retreat: NOK 9.659,-
Includes Satsangs, program, accommodation in a shared room and meals.
This price is valid until 08.08.24. After this date, there will be an extra charge of 10% of the participation cost.

For more information, write to: norway@vasantswaha.net