Caravan of Love

To follow Swaha’s caravanserai is to be an ongoing journey – from the shores of the ocean to the highest mountain peaks; from the depths of silence to the celebration of the heart.

This time, on short notice, Babaji went on a trip to the beautiful sacred waters of Lake Titicaca, in Bolivia. Some of us were lucky to join him on this magical mystery tour.



Exquisite scenery, peaceful waters, loving, innocent people, the splendor of the full moon… It seems that the Beloved attracts beauty wherever he goes, and that’s what he shared with us throughout the whole time.130224_Bolivia_Savini_328130225_Bolivia_Savini_390130225_Bolivia_Savini_674130223_Bolivia_Savini_174

While Bolivia uncovered its beauty in all colors, so did our beings, beaming in the light of our Master Sun. Love, silence, joy. Beauty upon beauty.


Around Babaji, adventures are guaranteed, always with a big dose of fun. In a playful, soft way, our fears disappear as magic, and all is left is the courage of the heart and giggles in the belly.


As we sailed together on the highest waters of the world, love and gratitude were sprouting from our hearts.


To be at your feet, Beloved, is the greatest and most beautiful adventure of all…
