Summer of Love

It is so precious to prepare for the Master’s arrival.
To come together, giving our hearts and energy to make it beautiful; for what is the most important for us.
In the midst of these preparations, he blesses us with his visit.

How lucky we are to serve him.
In reality we are serving ourselves.
Serving our own hearts and giving them this nourishment.
Letting our roots grow deep into this sacred soil.
Allowing his light to shine on us.
So we can open. So we can rise.

Once again, we can sit with him in the forest.
Once again, the forest temple is filled with thirsty seekers, new and not so new.
Once again, we are showered with blessings, nurtured by his nectar and melt in the heat of his sun.
The forest rings with laughter, tears and silence.
The river flows and the blueberries ripen.
We are home.