From the Sacred Silence of the winter in Norway, to the celebration and aliveness of Dance Your Way to God in Brazil; the Master shows us that we are – that life is – multidimensional.
Everything is here.

The dance, the stillness, the aliveness, the peace, the celebration and the blissful emptiness.
We are all.
And at the feet of the Master, we learn. We explore ourselves and life.

New dimensions of life open up. We are experiencing ourselves in ways that we never thought would be possible. Finding our way back to the long forgotten sacred treasure of our own Being.

Many new and old friends have found their way to the retreat this time. From all over the world, we have come, following the longing of our hearts and souls…
We are lucky, lucky butterflies. We have found the divine flower, the inexhaustible source of nectar.
Dancing our way to God.