After Satsang, as we sat together in silence, a bird burst into joyful song in a nearby tree. We did not just hear this birdsong, we were that song. Without thinking, we just naturally laughed with the bird from that deep space of oneness – of knowing that life is joy.
Just as a child feels the pure essence of being alive and spontaneously sings, our hearts rejoice when we experience the love of the master. To sit in Satsang gives us the opportunity of tuning into the Master, becoming more natural, more open, more joyful.
… and who is it that experiences this joy? Who is the “I” that asks the question “Who am I”? Again and again this week, we return to this primal question: “Who am I?” In an effort to get closer to the truth – to search for the essence of our being – we don’t accept the superficial answers of the mind. Instead, we push on, into the tall grass, searching, searching, catching glimpses, losing the trail then finding it again – exhausting ourselves in the quest for the real.
What blissful exhaustion it is, to feel that we are on this path back to ourselves, supporting each other, in love, in trust.