Sangha News

March 23rd, 2023
Sitting silently, doing nothing,the Macarena happens by itself. As we sit in silence in the Temple,the music floats in on the breeze from across the lagoon.It seems to be a fitting end to a crazy week.We have been laughing for 3 hours every day.Challenging our stamina,breaking the limits we thought
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The Gift of Life
December 15th, 2022
Born again out of silence,we take our first steps in this new world.Everything is fresh and new, vibrant and alive.We can look at things for the first time,even if we have encountered them a thousand times before. Osho says:When you listen after meditation … you will see today that the
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December 5th, 2022
Silence surprises us.Slowly sinking deeper,an unknown world is found.Without distractions from ourselves,the diamond within is uncovered. Watching the breath,the pace slows,and a peace is found. “You are not the body,you are not the mind,”the master says. And by his grace,we are finding out for ourselvesthat this is true.

Waves of Love
November 30th, 2022
Waves of Love washing over us,sweeping us off our feet,taking us to new places, inside and out. A flood of emotionswashing us cleanuntil, in the ebb,clarity and peace remain. Our masterinundating us with love. We go deeper,becoming more silentand in this silence, the heart is heard. The Sufis say that
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The Art of Living
April 19th, 2022
It happens so easily,when we are with him. Suddenlyjoy rises,peace unfolds,silence takes us over and, without even noticing,we forgetour small selves;our problems and dramas. In his retreat,we are riding his wave –embraced by his fragrance,soaked in his grace. After the retreatit is up to usto take care of it,and nourish
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His Sacred Gifts
December 22nd, 2021
Sometimes through a loving gaze, the meeting of eyes, a soft smile… Sometimes through a hug, a joke, or laughter… Sometimes sitting in Silence with us. And sometimes arrows of Truthcut through our lies, our sleepiness, shadows, games and falseness. The Beloved is using every chance, every way, to wake us up. He
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Hallelujah Land
December 7th, 2020
Rumi speaks of a field beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, Babaji speaks of hallelujah land. These sacred places are beyond words, beyond names.They are the same. They are one.They are universal, timeless. And, in Satsang, we are blessed to go there. In the energy of the awakened one, when the
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Together Again
November 28th, 2020
We are together with him again. And with him there are no limits. Nothing that defines us, no borders, just the beyond. Lovingly, he takes us beyond the known, beyond reason, beyond ourselves. It is time to let ourselves be carried away by the sweetness of his voice and to
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Our name is Love
December 8th, 2019
How lucky we are because life has not only given us eyes, but has put us in front of our Beloved. When the silence he radiates fills our whole being we are with him, we are in him and our name is Love. A friend shared in a letter to
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