Sangha News
December 3rd, 2015
Silence whispers in my ear. Amidst the noise of this mad world, a subtle tune is playing. An invitation to an invisible dance, a soundless song, a wordless truth. An understanding is growing, which is beyond knowing. A surrendering is happening, which exceeds victory. In a place, outside of ideas of who
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The Journey Begins
November 24th, 2015
That’s the first thing on this journey, and I go on reminding you – Follow your own heart. That is what is important. And when you start following your own heart, your own truth – then you will feel that unknown strength which is stronger than anything, because it is
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Blissful Spring
October 3rd, 2015
Blissful days in the presence of the Beloved Master! The news about a meeting with our Babaji is not about facts, or what has been said, the news is the freshness that he brings every time he comes. The news is about what is mysteriously ignited in our hearts through
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Innocent Heart
September 21st, 2015
Our Beloved gave us another present last Thursday. Throughout Satsang the subject seemed to be our difficulty in this journey of growing from being an innocent child to become an adult, the unhealed memories of being a child without receiving the right care, and the conflicts of parents not knowing
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Love is Acceptance
September 9th, 2015
Yesterday we were in His presence! For us, disciples and friends, nothing in this world could come close to this joy! It’s truly an adventure of entering a timeless dimension. He invites us into His temple of Love, into his field of Consciousness. And we say: Yes, Beloved, Yes, that’s
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Full Moon Sitting
August 29th, 2015
Babaji is back to Ibiraquera, and the news came as a great surprise filling us up with happiness: we were invited for a full moon sitting with the Master in his garden. There we sat waiting for him, our hearts jumping in joy, our souls longing to drink from the source again. And
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Gods and Godesses
May 23rd, 2015
These last weeks have been less and less – more and more. Less and less of the mind, the distractions, the habits, the normal. More and more space, peace, insights, now-ness. The Mystic Rose Meditation has brought us through a week of laughter, a week of crying and a
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The end to all Questions
May 8th, 2015
Meditation is to know yourself. Meditation is the path that leads back to your silence. And only in silence can you hear it, for it is beyond any words. Still, all the gurus, all the masters, go on talking. Why do they talk? Because you only understand language. But by
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The Greatest Strength
April 28th, 2015
Who would think that laughing and crying could be such powerful tools to look at ourselves? Such are the things which happen around an alive master. Becoming more natural, exploring the basic things in life such as laughter and tears, can give us the greatest insights. The power of relaxing
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