Sangha News

The Man of the Mountains

January 19th, 2015

Sitting silently, doing nothing, Spring comes and the grass grows by itself. Zen saying We could sit here forever… When we have tasted this precious silence, this depth within us,
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Zen Snow – Zen Fire

January 10th, 2015

I really have nothing to talk about.  There is nothing to be said, because the truth cannot be said. But in some mysterious way, the truth also comes through words
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December 13th, 2014

There is no end. The Beloved keeps on unfolding inside of us after the retreat ends – in our hearts and in our everyday lives. Love itself is living us, when we
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the Secret

December 2nd, 2014

Having rediscovered our courageous heart, we now have the chance to simply be with it. The gift which silence brings is that we can ignore everything else – all that
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Courageous Heart

November 22nd, 2014

Love. A word we have so many ideas and expectations about.  We have grown up with some understanding of it, and learned to relate to it.  As we mature, we
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November 15th, 2014

May everyone realize that they are free. Vasant Swaha Free. As the wind that blows from the ocean. Free. To dance and play like leaves in the wind. Free. To
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Surprise Satsang

October 31st, 2014

Last Sunday the Beloved invited us for a Surprise Satsang. So generously he is sharing the flowers of the divine – in all expressions and colors; he is guiding us,
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Winds of Love

October 23rd, 2014

Blessings are showering. Grace is shining. Again we are sitting at the feet of The Beloved, drinking his nectar of Truth, breathing his fragrance of Love. And we are thirsty,
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Surprise Satsang

September 18th, 2014

What a blessing! Our Beloved invites us to Satsang in the middle of the day, in the middle of a week! Suddenly, we all find ourselves sitting under the open sky,
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