Sangha News

Journey to the Heart

November 14th, 2016

Dancing, singing, sharing, meeting from the heart, finding clarity, This journey to the Heart is amazing, with our joyful, playful master. I’m here for those who want to be free, so if
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A Storm of Truth

October 19th, 2016

The Beloved One is back to his garden in Brazil… A sweet fragrance in the air, a breeze of silence, a storm of Truth. Babaji is back to shake us up
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The flavour of your name

August 17th, 2016

Oh my master, I am addicted to your presence. I seek no other company, for you have shown me the door to my heart. When flooded by your peace, I
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Talking in Silence

July 19th, 2016

This past week, we have walked the path of the mystic in silence. But in this paradoxical world of the enlightened ones, the silence is filled with talking. Talking from
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What is Satsang?

July 11th, 2016

What is Satsang? It is the highlight of my life. Every morning when I wake up, it is what moves me. It’s a meeting with truth itself. A place where
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Path of the Mystic

July 9th, 2016

We are here again, sitting at his feet. At the feet of the Mystic, the One who is in tune with existence. We are here to be shaken up from
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The Gift of Disciplehood

June 5th, 2016

What an amazing gift this life is What an adventure To be here To be alive What a mystery To be a human being And to be a disciple What
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Blissful Spring

May 19th, 2016

  I am the Blissful Spring. And in spring, millions of flowers bloom. Vasant Swaha Like baby birds leaving the nest, we are flying off to return to our daily
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Destroyer of egos

May 4th, 2016

  Again, our Beloved Master has blessed us with the question – Who am I? What a gift! What a mirror! Reminding us to ask, being curious and honest with ourselves.
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