Sangha News

From mountains to oceans

October 15th, 2013

First he takes us high. Then he let us try out our own wings. From Manali we go to Goa, as the Beloved also did once, before he met Osho.
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In His Footsteps

September 23rd, 2013

The Beloved has gone on a journey to India, and some fortunate ones were blessed with the opportunity to join him on this magical adventure. Our first destination was the
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The Spirit of Freedom

September 1st, 2013

Blessings upon blessings showering on us. Again we are gathered in the magical forest at Dharma Mountain – alive, in this moment. Nurturing our hearts. The light of our Beloved
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By Your Grace

August 6th, 2013

  From the silence within, a deeper peace arises. With this, something magical happens. We realize that it is truly possible to live the Love which the Master is. The
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The Way of the Heart

August 3rd, 2013

Our beloved Master guides us on a simple, beautiful and natural way. First, he shows us how to unburden our mind and emotions. To drop tensions, to change the negative
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July 28th, 2013

In the stillness of the beloved’s garden, the summer showers come and go… and the sun remains. The seeds which were planted with love and care four weeks ago, have
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July 24th, 2013

You are always silence; that is your essence. But you have forgotten that. You are thinking you are a thousand and one different things, that you are not. But in
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Never Born, Never Died

July 20th, 2013

I really can say that besides my body being very weak and sick, my heart is opening to love.  I can feel now that life has a meaning, and this
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The Deeper Love

July 16th, 2013

The first week’s program helped us to relate from our hearts with more awareness. What a pleasure it is to then feel Mother Nature, with a long walk into her
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