Sangha News

The end to all Questions
May 8th, 2015
Meditation is to know yourself. Meditation is the path that leads back to your silence. And only in silence can you hear it, for it is beyond any words. Still, all the gurus, all the masters, go on talking. Why do they talk? Because you only understand language. But by
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The Greatest Strength
April 28th, 2015
Who would think that laughing and crying could be such powerful tools to look at ourselves? Such are the things which happen around an alive master. Becoming more natural, exploring the basic things in life such as laughter and tears, can give us the greatest insights. The power of relaxing
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April 21st, 2015
You are not here to be sad, serious. You should be happy. Life is a gift. Enjoy. Dancing, jumping, crying, shouting – and more. Moving our energy helps us to come back into our bodies. To feel awake, aware, alive. Everything we do here, is to help us to get
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A beautiful World
April 14th, 2015
In Mevlana Garden, the garden of our Beloved, friends are arriving from far and near. The Heart of the Mystic retreat will begin soon and with just one day to go, we are invited to a surprise Satsang! The news spreads fast and soon we are gathered in the Temple of the
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December 13th, 2014
There is no end. The Beloved keeps on unfolding inside of us after the retreat ends – in our hearts and in our everyday lives. Love itself is living us, when we just get out of our own way. When we are in the moment, every breath is filled with His Presence.
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the Secret
December 2nd, 2014
Having rediscovered our courageous heart, we now have the chance to simply be with it. The gift which silence brings is that we can ignore everything else – all that which usually takes our attention and energy away – and put the focus on ourselves. Normally, we are so identified
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Courageous Heart
November 22nd, 2014
Love. A word we have so many ideas and expectations about. We have grown up with some understanding of it, and learned to relate to it. As we mature, we think we know… But in reality, we don’t. We don’t know about the real Love, the true Love, the unconditional
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November 15th, 2014
May everyone realize that they are free. Vasant Swaha Free. As the wind that blows from the ocean. Free. To dance and play like leaves in the wind. Free. To explore ourselves on the deepest level. Free. To drop our ideas of who we are. Free. To be in the
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Surprise Satsang
October 31st, 2014
Last Sunday the Beloved invited us for a Surprise Satsang. So generously he is sharing the flowers of the divine – in all expressions and colors; he is guiding us, playing with us, embracing us with his Love and Silence – sharing his dance of the beyond. We are soaked
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