Sangha News

Autumn Glow

September 25th, 2020

Autumn. Leaves glowing in the sun and letting go. The tall grass in the field humming in the wind. Sunflowers bowing their heavy heads to the ground. In his presence, we become like this. Glowing in the autumn sun and letting go. Humming in the wind. Bowing our heads in
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The Flowers and the Bees

September 9th, 2020

You could ask a million questions about why so many people from all over the world, find their way to this small place in the mountains of Norway. What is it with this place? What are they experiencing? Why are they laughing and smiling? Why are they so silent and
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Here and Now

July 22nd, 2020

  You are actually here!  In the forest temple, in the mountains, in Norway! We can see you, hear your laughter, smell the rain in the pines. The sound of the river running, along with the tears in our eyes. The bubbling joy arises – it is true, it is
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Disappearing into You

August 10th, 2019

The leaves of the aspen tree shivering in the summer wind, colors given by the sun, a million shades of green. The pale greens, lime, mint and sage the bright emerald and blinking jade the warm olive and the dark seaweed the blacks hiding in the shade. Lucky are those
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The Pearl Diver

August 5th, 2019

Sitting opposite a friend, They ask “Who are you?” In their eyes I am reflected. In this open, trusting gaze, I can lose “myself”. The question goes beyond gender, Beyond nationality, Beyond the usual definitions provided by society, work, relationship. The answers come slowly. They are fished from the depths, Not
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Can you feel it?

July 31st, 2019

  How long since I stopped, just to feel the wind against my cheek, bare feet in the meadow, the flowers caressing my legs?     Had I forgotten the smell of fresh rain in the pine trees, the taste of sweet river water the feeling of the sun drying
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Becoming Love

July 23rd, 2019

In the days before the Summer Retreat, we gather in Dharma Mountain to make everything beautiful and to prepare the place, and ourselves, to receive the Master. Coming together – to serve our own hearts and the beauty we are living at his feet. One friend shares: One thing surprises
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The sunshine of the Beloved

March 2nd, 2019

Spring is in the air. The sun shines. The ice melts. The birds sing. The squirrels scamper across the melting snow. The buds on the trees are waking up to a new cycle of life. In the sunshine of the Beloved, our hearts are opening like delicate buds, ready to
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Everything is available

February 22nd, 2019

  The Master sits, with outstretched arms. Open.Look into the mirror of his face. Imbibe the nectar of his love. Surrender to your own heart and become one with his. In this sacred silence, looking only inward, the truth appears. Beyond words, beyond form. Beyond ideas of who we are
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