Sangha News

What’s Going On?
November 17th, 2019
What’s going on? Even if you don’t understand anything of what is happening here, in this gathering, just be quiet. Just sit there. And slowly, slowly you will understand, you will get ignited, you will feel, and you will become happy. And that’s how it is. It cannot be talked
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The Deepest Friend
November 9th, 2019
To sit with you. The night sky expands inside me, in wonder. Thousands of butterflies open their wings, pulsating under my skin. I have asked myself; how can I share about this friendship? It is the friendship with the depths of my own soul. The depths that, slowly, through years
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With love from Bali
October 7th, 2019
Beloved Sangha friends, Here are a few pictures from Babaji’s trip to Bali, along with greetings from him 🙂 Though Swaha is an overflowing source of love and light, at times it can be draining for him to be close to people, always available with his love and energy
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Disappearing into You
August 10th, 2019
The leaves of the aspen tree shivering in the summer wind, colors given by the sun, a million shades of green. The pale greens, lime, mint and sage the bright emerald and blinking jade the warm olive and the dark seaweed the blacks hiding in the shade. Lucky are those
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The Pearl Diver
August 5th, 2019
Sitting opposite a friend, They ask “Who are you?” In their eyes I am reflected. In this open, trusting gaze, I can lose “myself”. The question goes beyond gender, Beyond nationality, Beyond the usual definitions provided by society, work, relationship. The answers come slowly. They are fished from the depths, Not
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Can you feel it?
July 31st, 2019
How long since I stopped, just to feel the wind against my cheek, bare feet in the meadow, the flowers caressing my legs? Had I forgotten the smell of fresh rain in the pine trees, the taste of sweet river water the feeling of the sun drying
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Becoming Love
July 23rd, 2019
In the days before the Summer Retreat, we gather in Dharma Mountain to make everything beautiful and to prepare the place, and ourselves, to receive the Master. Coming together – to serve our own hearts and the beauty we are living at his feet. One friend shares: One thing surprises
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The most Amazing journey
May 17th, 2019
Sitting at your feet is the most amazing journey. I close my eyes. A warm desert wind that smells of cinnamon and coloured silk caresses our faces. And voices of ancient mystics are whispering beautiful poems. Thousands of trembling flames are floating on the Ganga, reflecting their orange light in
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The Heart needs no Language
May 8th, 2019
To be with a mystic is to live the mystery of life fully, consciously. Normally, we take this miracle of human existence for granted. We call ourselves human beings but the “being” is easily overlooked. In a world of constant distractions, it is very seldom that we give ourselves the
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