Sangha News

Touched Beyond Words

October 3rd, 2012

Walking on this beautiful path We find bits and pieces that suddenly fit together and give us answers that we have been longing for. As we stumble in darkness, Your
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Coming Home

October 1st, 2012

We are surrounded by nature, dressed in her autumn colors, preparing herself to rest. She is supporting us and reminding us that it is time to stop. To go deeper
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Sunday Gathering

September 18th, 2012

Coming together To share the truth With open-hearted friends. Each one is himself and everyone, Every one is alone and together. One in the heart. Sitting in the warm glow
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Surprise Satsang

September 13th, 2012

The fall is making its entrance, with fresh, crystal clear air. The Beloved invited us to a surpise Sunday Satsang. We sit in the forest… at the feet of the
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The Natural Way

September 5th, 2012

We are happy to be back. Relaxing in the forest with our beloved Master. The sun comes to visit us for the weekend and we can make the most of
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July 31st, 2012

On and on and on and on…… This wonderful retreat is ending. The Beloved plays under our skin – dancing, singing, sitting in Silence – inside ourselves. There is no
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Out of Silence

July 29th, 2012

Slowly, we come out of our silence. Like flowers opening in the warmth of the sun, it is time to open our petals and show ourselves to the world again.
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Soaking in the Nectar

July 21st, 2012

The more you open your eyes, everything becomes a wonder. ~ Vasant Swaha ~ Dharma Mountain is soaked in honey. We swim around in it, disappearing into the full emptiness,
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Who Am I?

July 21st, 2012

Embracing silence, we go deeper into the inquiry “Who am I?”. When not distracted by the outside, the energy which normally leaks away unconsciously can be turned inward, to help
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