Sangha News

Sitting in Silence
December 5th, 2012
Diving deep. Deeper. Then deeper still. No limit to the vastness of our being. Sitting in silence, watching our breath, In. Then out. Tasting drops of the ecstasy that is nothingness. Mind-less moments resonate with the timeless. There is only this moment. Eternity is now. Longing to disappear, Deep let-go,
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The Inner Voice
December 1st, 2012
The energy of the retreat is changing. We turn our attention from the outer to the inner, trying to bring our awareness into everything we do. Swaha reminds us that it is normally very easy to lose ourselves in others. Our unconscious habits can easily take us away from the
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Sitting Silently Doing Nothing…
November 27th, 2012
Sitting in Satsang is the perfect opportunity to escape the control of the mind. In the energy and wisdom of the Master, the mind’s tricks have no power. His light banishes all darkness. Every letter from a disciple touches something in each one of us. When another shares, it shows
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Courage of the Heart
November 21st, 2012
If you never searched for the truth, come with us, and you will become a seeker. If you were never a musician, a dancer, come with us, and you will find your voice, your dance. Rumi As the Winds of Freedom blow through Mevlana Garden, many new friends are finding
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Winds of Freedom
November 15th, 2012
The Winds of Freedom retreat is in its first week. Spring is here! Birds are celebrating, laughing, dancing, expressing – and so are we! More and more people are coming to fill their thirst in this blessed oasis of love. During these first days of the retreat we stir up
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Blissful Spring 2
October 31st, 2012
The Blissful Spring retreats are in gratitude to Osho, because that is the name he gave me: Lord of the Blissful Spring. And this Blissful Spring is independent of any seasons, it is always Here and it is everyone’s possibility.” Vasant Swaha A friend shared about the pain she feels
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Blissful Spring
October 21st, 2012
Babaji arrived in Brazil! A beautiful gathering happened at Mevlana Garden, all the friends coming together to be once again at the feet of the Beloved Master. Swaha talked about the importance of wholenes, contentment, the feeling of being fulfilled from the inside – otherwise people go on just looking
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Touched Beyond Words
October 3rd, 2012
Walking on this beautiful path We find bits and pieces that suddenly fit together and give us answers that we have been longing for. As we stumble in darkness, Your full moon brightness Illuminates our path, Igniting our hearts, Reminding us of Truth. At your feet, we sit, Humbled by
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Coming Home
October 1st, 2012
We are surrounded by nature, dressed in her autumn colors, preparing herself to rest. She is supporting us and reminding us that it is time to stop. To go deeper into our hearts and listen. To find our way home. Coming home is to be in the moment, not going
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