Sangha News

Waves of Love

April 9th, 2013

It is autumn in Mevlana Garden. The high energy of the summer season is fading, and the slower pace brings peace to the garden of our Beloved. Glorious sunsets silhouette
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Sharing the Truth

March 23rd, 2013

What an opportunity we have, to sit together and to learn together! Sharing ourselves in letters to our beloved Master, touching the hearts of friends and helping them to see
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The Right Side Up

March 17th, 2013

Last weekend, we had the precious gift of Satsang with our beloved Master. This life is full of gifts – if we are available to see them. To be a
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Caravan of Love

March 10th, 2013

To follow Swaha’s caravanserai is to be an ongoing journey – from the shores of the ocean to the highest mountain peaks; from the depths of silence to the celebration
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The Natural Man

February 20th, 2013

Last week was Carnaval, when people put on masks and fancy dress to celebrate and distract themselves. This week, in Satsang we have the chance to drop our masks and
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February 17th, 2013

Last weekend, it was Carnaval time in Brazil and the whole country enjoyed four days of music, costumes fireworks and partying. Here in Mevlana Garden, the Temple of the White
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The Yoga of Ah.

February 10th, 2013

First have the courage to come into the ocean. Then you can learn the joyful art of swimming. Then, the blissful art of drowning. Only then will real life begin.
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February 2nd, 2013

What is freedom? There is freedom from, which is rejecting, rebelling, arrogant, angry. There is freedom for, which is choice, creativity, walking your own path. Then there is just freedom
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The Gift of Sannyas

January 13th, 2013

Life in the sangha is full of surprises and blessings. To live in the now is to be ready for anything. To truly be a sannyassin is to accept the
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