Sangha News

The Door
September 1st, 2023
You turn me completely aroundand show me that the door opens inward, not outward,and I must lay down everything I hold in my handsbefore I can step inside. Even though it seems dark and I am afraid,I hear your voice saying,Come.And as I walkthe darkness becomes radiant, open and vastand
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Dissolving into Silence
August 4th, 2023
Silence is the dessert of the retreat. It’s the moment when everything stops, when we can allow ourselves to go deeper, to give space to whatever is moving inside to settle, like waves becoming the ocean. No rushing into the future, nor dwelling on the past, dissolving more and more
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The mystery lives
July 24th, 2023
The rain drums, as I sit asking myself who I am.The temple roof emptying again and again in splashesjust as the Masters speak about emptying out all that I know. Who am I?The rain pours onto the forest floor, and the sound of the river grows louder, roaring,until I don’t
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In the Moment
July 19th, 2023
Our beloved Master always invites us to come back to the moment and here in the Summer Retreat, we are blessed with many special moments. Moments to feel vulnerable, to feel joy, to feel pain, anger, madness, laughter – the rainbow of human experience in one place. Moments to feel
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The buttercup close
July 2nd, 2023
I had forgotten to hold the buttercup closeand let its bright yellow reflect on my chin. I had forgotten to let the soft willow leavespass slowly through my handsand to let the wind caress my neck for no gain nor reason. I had forgotten to hear the little robin’s calland
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Our Blissful Spring
May 31st, 2023
Spring has come and once more, we gather at the feet of the Master; this time,in the mountains. We dance, we celebrate and like the last remaining snow, we melt.The Beloved is on fire! He invites us to rise, to let go, to sail into the unknown. He shares with
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Mystic Rose
April 8th, 2023
We laugh, we cry and we become silent. We embark with our Beloved on the fascinating adventure of the Mystic Rose,touching deep spaces within ourselves. May we know how to care of and nurture this flower, so delicate and so beautiful. Eternal gratitude to he who elevates us in his
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March 29th, 2023
After a week of laughter and warm summer days, the rain has come, inspiring us to go deeper. We gather in the Temple to cry together, to give space for whatever is there; Allowing things to come, to transform and to go. Trusting, taking shelter in the Master. For some,
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March 23rd, 2023
Sitting silently, doing nothing,the Macarena happens by itself. As we sit in silence in the Temple,the music floats in on the breeze from across the lagoon.It seems to be a fitting end to a crazy week.We have been laughing for 3 hours every day.Challenging our stamina,breaking the limits we thought
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