Sangha News

Hallelujah till the end of days

August 27th, 2021

A living Master is here! In every possible way, he is waking us up. He dances – Sometimes like gentle sunbeams in the forest.Sometimes like a wild and playful river. He
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Summer of Love

June 27th, 2021

It is so precious to prepare for the Master’s arrival.To come together, giving our hearts and energy to make it beautiful; for what is the most important for us.In the
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Hallelujah Land

December 7th, 2020

Rumi speaks of a field beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, Babaji speaks of hallelujah land. These sacred places are beyond words, beyond names.They are the same. They are one.They are
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Together Again

November 28th, 2020

We are together with him again. And with him there are no limits. Nothing that defines us, no borders, just the beyond. Lovingly, he takes us beyond the known, beyond
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Rise in fall

October 18th, 2020

The fresh, humid, October air soaks our many layers of clothes, but inside, we are safe and warm. We sit silently. The sound of rain drumming on the tent, the
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Autumn Glow

September 25th, 2020

Autumn. Leaves glowing in the sun and letting go. The tall grass in the field humming in the wind. Sunflowers bowing their heavy heads to the ground. In his presence,
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The Flowers and the Bees

September 9th, 2020

You could ask a million questions about why so many people from all over the world, find their way to this small place in the mountains of Norway. What is
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July 28th, 2020

Sshhh… Don´t tell anyone. Miracles are happening here. In this forest in Norway, eyes are shining, blissful smiles appear on faces. A joy, that we cannot explain. Where is it
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Here and Now

July 22nd, 2020

  You are actually here!  In the forest temple, in the mountains, in Norway! We can see you, hear your laughter, smell the rain in the pines. The sound of
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