Sangha News

His Sacred Gifts

December 22nd, 2021

Sometimes through a loving gaze, the meeting of eyes, a soft smile… Sometimes through a hug, a joke, or laughter… Sometimes sitting in Silence with us.  And sometimes arrows of Truthcut through our lies, our sleepiness, shadows, games and falseness.  The Beloved is using every chance, every way, to wake us up. He
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Coming back to Love

December 11th, 2021

Who is herebehind this name, this skin,beyond these expressions on the face?Who am I when I no longer have answersand exhausted, I insist,and something burns inside me?Who, beyond what the eyes can grasp,feels the flame ignite andlooks inside for this light?And if I just look inside, yet perceive the flowers,the
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Winds of Freedom

December 2nd, 2021

A strong wind is blowing, whistling in the trees, creaking the temple, where hundreds of seekers ride a wave of No-Mind. This wind is shaking us, swirling up the dust, cracking us open.We are emptying out the blabbering thoughts, the restlessness, the insanity,flushing out what was hidden under old carpets,
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Glorious Days

October 30th, 2021

It is time to celebrate. Spring has come. The birds, the wind, the sun, the rain, the flowers – everything is in celebration. Our thirsty hearts also feast and dive into this explosion of life. The Beloved is here. His presence is contagious and we melt. We are reminded that
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Can you hear the river?

September 3rd, 2021

A Zen Master was travelling with a few disciples, from one monastery to the other in the mountains. When they settled for the evening, one disciple asked the Master: What is the essence of Zen? What is the essence of the Buddha’s teaching, of meditation? Tell me, Master. The Master
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Hallelujah till the end of days

August 27th, 2021

A living Master is here! In every possible way, he is waking us up. He dances – Sometimes like gentle sunbeams in the forest.Sometimes like a wild and playful river. He tells us jokes, so we lose ourselves in laughter –tricking us out of our seriousness and stiffness, so we can
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Summer of Love

June 27th, 2021

It is so precious to prepare for the Master’s arrival.To come together, giving our hearts and energy to make it beautiful; for what is the most important for us.In the midst of these preparations, he blesses us with his visit. How lucky we are to serve him.In reality we are
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Hallelujah Land

December 7th, 2020

Rumi speaks of a field beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, Babaji speaks of hallelujah land. These sacred places are beyond words, beyond names.They are the same. They are one.They are universal, timeless. And, in Satsang, we are blessed to go there. In the energy of the awakened one, when the
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Together Again

November 28th, 2020

We are together with him again. And with him there are no limits. Nothing that defines us, no borders, just the beyond. Lovingly, he takes us beyond the known, beyond reason, beyond ourselves. It is time to let ourselves be carried away by the sweetness of his voice and to
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