Sangha News
March 1st, 2016
Still, like a statue, our beloved Master sits. Silently inviting us to go deeper. Deeper, where the heart whispers. Deeper, where the truth beckons. Deeper, beyond anything we know. In this land of a million buddha statues, We are blessed to sit with a living buddha. In this life of a thousand
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Fragrance of the Buddha
February 28th, 2016
Once again, the Sangha gathers to sit at the feet of our Beloved. This time, it is half way around the world, in a new place he found for us; a beautiful resort on the outskirts of Chiang Mai, Thailand. What makes a bunch of crazy devotees travel so far to sit
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Creating from Emptiness
February 6th, 2016
Beloved Winter Space, We have received your support for our Sacred Silence retreats, this year there is no retreat happening. Now you almost look empty. You even look cold… How wrong we can be… In this sacred silent winter space, there is sooooo much life – cooking, boiling, moving, dancing, celebrating,
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January 25th, 2016
Guru Nanak says that if you are so blessed that you can sit and listen to the Master, no other sadhna, no other practice is needed. That is far out. But you have to be available. And most people want to do it the yogi way, through a lot of
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We go on… and on… and on
December 18th, 2015
The ending is just the beginning. In fact, there is no beginning and no end. We just go on. Continuing this amazing journey of self-discovery. Going on, we move in the now. Going on, we meet each new day as the precious gift it is. Going on, we keep the
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December 3rd, 2015
Silence whispers in my ear. Amidst the noise of this mad world, a subtle tune is playing. An invitation to an invisible dance, a soundless song, a wordless truth. An understanding is growing, which is beyond knowing. A surrendering is happening, which exceeds victory. In a place, outside of ideas of who
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The Journey Begins
November 24th, 2015
That’s the first thing on this journey, and I go on reminding you – Follow your own heart. That is what is important. And when you start following your own heart, your own truth – then you will feel that unknown strength which is stronger than anything, because it is
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Seeds of Love
November 7th, 2015
Through our dear sister Pema Devi, Babaji Sensei was invited to share his presence and wisdom in a Satsang at the Chion-in temple in Kyoto. It was a very touching experience to witness people’s readiness and thirst, their longing to sit with the Master. Babaji was received with blissful singing, tears and
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Babaji Sensei in Japan
October 23rd, 2015
Babaji is flying again… Across the world, to one of his ancient places – Japan. After lifetimes, now he is back to a country so close to his heart. Here he feels totally at home, enjoying the magnificent temples, the immaculate gardens, the beautiful people and the ever present silence.
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