Sangha News

The Way of the White Clouds

July 16th, 2015

A white cloud has nowhere to go.  It moves everywhere.  All dimensions belong to it.  All directions belong to it.  Nothing is rejected.  Everything is; existing in total acceptance. The first weeks of the Way of the White Cloud retreat have been intense and energetic. The invitation from our beloved
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Wisdom Heart

June 20th, 2015

Wisdom heart is always there, available. The question is if you are in touch with it or not. Because the whisper of the heart is very silent, so you have to become silent, going beyond your noisy mind. You are here to re-establish your contact  with your true Being. This is
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Gods and Godesses

May 23rd, 2015

These last weeks have been less and less – more and more. Less and less of the mind, the distractions, the habits, the normal. More and more space, peace, insights, now-ness.   The Mystic Rose Meditation has brought us through a week of laughter, a week of crying and a
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The end to all Questions

May 8th, 2015

Meditation is to know yourself. Meditation is the path that leads back to your silence. And only in silence can you hear it, for it is beyond any words. Still, all the gurus, all the masters, go on talking. Why do they talk?  Because you only understand language. But by
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The Greatest Strength

April 28th, 2015

Who would think that laughing and crying could be such powerful tools to look at ourselves?  Such are the things which happen around an alive master.  Becoming more natural, exploring the basic things in life such as laughter and tears, can give us the greatest insights.  The power of relaxing
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April 21st, 2015

You are not here to be sad, serious. You should be happy. Life is a gift. Enjoy. Dancing, jumping, crying, shouting – and more.  Moving our energy helps us to come back into our bodies.  To feel awake, aware, alive.  Everything we do here, is to help us to get
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A beautiful World

April 14th, 2015

In Mevlana Garden, the garden of our Beloved, friends are arriving from far and near. The Heart of the Mystic retreat will begin soon and with just one day to go, we are invited to a surprise Satsang! The news spreads fast and soon we are gathered in the Temple of the
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The Man of the Mountains

January 19th, 2015

Sitting silently, doing nothing, Spring comes and the grass grows by itself. Zen saying We could sit here forever… When we have tasted this precious silence, this depth within us, this peace beneath the waves, why would we want to stop? Falling in tune with our Master, his presence is
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Zen Snow – Zen Fire

January 10th, 2015

I really have nothing to talk about.  There is nothing to be said, because the truth cannot be said. But in some mysterious way, the truth also comes through words – if the source is silence. Normally, the words come from the mind, which is noise.  Then there is always
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